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Pas/Steps (2008) is a Guadeloupian road-movie that I made for the programme of urban cultural development of the city of Pointe a Pitre while I was directing the National Society of Architecture in Guadeloupe. It questions the ways in which we consume the city. I interrogate how the artist, the street vendor or the misfits, how the citizen or the Republican politician considers the city and inscribe their everyday life in it. The aim of Pas was to decode the multiple and tenuous bonds that Caribbean people construct with their urban environment. 

"The Tarzan Track"

I made the film The Tarzan Track/ La Piste Tarzan (2012) in French Guyana. The Tarzan Track is a road, which separates the towns of Cayenne and Rémire Montjoly. It is a no man’s land which belongs neither to one nor to the other town. Both town councils refuse to be responsible for the local services due to the inhabitants, such as water drainage and electricity, leaving thousands of people without no other choice but informal and mutual solidarity. The track becomes a fractures network of conviviality between the left being of postcolonial Guyana, Tarzan turned into Sisyphus.  

"Darboussier 07"

In 2007, the Maison de l’Architecture de Guadeloupe (National Society of Architecture Guadeloupe) entrusted a group of artists and academics with the mission of rethinking the notions of peripheral, transitional or forgotten urban space in contemporary Caribbean cities. They invented a public space on the biggest industrial wasteland in Guadeloupe, the historical site of the sugar factory Darboussier, which used to be the economic heart of Pointe à Pitre. How can art empower the citizens to appropriate the public space as their own? Create bonds and beauty out of ruins? Demonstrate that everything is possible and that we can transform what we own? This film answered those questions by shedding light on those multiples visions. 

© 2016 par J.f MANICOM

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